Renault ondelios- cachalot concept in Paris!

The next working out of designers Renault has taken many fans of the given mark unawares. Concept Ondelios where from French «оnde» — means "wave", should present in the complete set those technological novelties and multimedia innovations which the company will use in the serial models approximately since 2012. As to certain details, type of power draught here it is necessary to allocate the 258-strong hybrid power unit which, if to consider considerable "weight" concept, spends on the average 4,5 l of a diesel engine for 100 km. For the aid to the engine two electromotors one of which is located on a forward axis, and another on back, which in turn battery for the account of the energy saved from braking come. On a number with the economic engine, the contribution from future "car" has brought as also a body concept which design has allowed to reduce factor of resistance to a minimum and to test for "durability" new materials in motor industry. Besides it concept was as it is stuffed by every possible "futures", in the form of the big panoramic roof, opening on the top of doors in the form of a boomerang, LED headlights, sensor controls and any auxiliary gauges. For contact to a line 23-inch wheel disks in design of a propeller and the tyre of dimension 255/40 have been in turn presented. Well and at last — about salon. Here there are six separate armchairs, each of which is configured individually and supplied by all necessary for multimedia pastime of the passenger for the period of long trips. Besides it here it is presented conditioner and a small bar. So renault ondelious fully likes lux car!